When your organisation’s computer network is set up effectively, it streamlines your day-to-day processes making your business more efficient.
Connected, Everywhere!
From computers to printers, file storage to mobiles and Wi-Fi, to wiring and installation, we can set up your network allowing your staff to communicate, share data and access systems easily without worrying that technology is going to let them down.
Tailored for Success
We will take the time to understand your business so that together we can agree what you need from your network before setting up a system that will support the growth of your business.
Our networking services include:
- Liaison with your Internet Service Provider to get broadband installed
- Installation (or review) of wall sockets and wiring
- WIFI setup
- Configuration of routers, hubs and any devices to make your network active and secure
- Connection of computers, mobiles, printers and servers to the network
- Installation of anti-virus and security software
- Email set up (with the right addresses, security and corporate identity for your organisation)
- Installation of printers and the associated software for all your computers
- Assistance with mobile device Wi-Fi connections
- Installation of our remote support for 24/7/365 monitoring
- Testing of all the systems and documentation for your business
- Assisting your staff to help them become familiar with the systems
We also provide:
- Wide area network requirements (for connection to other offices)
- Networking to assist people working from home
- Client access or data transfers
- International requirements
Contact us today for a chat about how we can help you get the most from your computer network.
Call us on 0113 266 5146 or Email Us.